We Met Long-Distance. When Is The Right Time To Have Sex?
Can you really decide to sleep with someone before you’ve ever met in person?
I get this e-mail all the time, yet I seem to always be writing posts about it that no one seems to be reading. Time to let go and clarify this one last time!
We Met Long-Distance. When Is The Right Time To Have Sex?
That, to me, is like many dates. Hopefully you’ve gotten a lot of pictures of him. You send him pictures of you. Hopefully all pictures were current, because if you don’t look exactly like your pictures, then neither one of you is going to sleep with anybody except yourselves.
That’s one thing I want to warn all of you about. A lot of you have these online long-distance relationships that go on and on and on, but the only way these relationships will ever turn into something is if you represent yourselves exactly as you really look!
What’s this mean? Every picture you send is a picture you took today. Every picture he sends is a picture he took today. You don’t want to find out that he’s 40 pounds heavier and bald, even though he had a full head of hair and looks like a young Marlon Brando in the picture, and you don’t want to be sending him pictures of yourself when you were skinny when now you’re 200 pounds overweight. Maybe I’m exaggerating here, but you get my drift. (altro…)